Supermarket deception

Internet sources 

Here is one source.  The way extracts of such items need to be looked into as they can be too long for the presentation.


There's more like that here, take your pick.

Over the past few years, the cost of vegetables, meat, fruit, and other high-nutrition, low-calorie foods has increased by an average of 19.5 percent. Junk food, on the other hand, is getting cheaper—down by 1.8 percent. Researchers recently estimated that, on a junk-food diet, you could eat for $3.52 a day. But a healthy diet would cost a whopping $36.32 a day!  (edited)


An investigation into pricing and offers at Britain's four major supermarket chains found that all were guilty of making erroneous or untrue assertions, some of which breach consumer regulations.


A Cornish farmer has scored a victory over supermarket giant Tesco after taking offence at a large sign claiming its meat was supplied by a local butcher.

Matt Watson Smyth, 40, marched into the chain’s Padstow store complaining the only butcher locally was to be found at Padstow Farm Shop, which his family runs – and it didn’t supply Tesco.


Revealed: The truth about supermarket 'bargains'  here

 How packaging convinces you food tastes better

Which? members can read the full article   'Supermarket packaging tactics exposed' online in the September issue of Which? . If you're not already a subscriber, try a £1 trial to Which? for instant access to our online and magazine reviews and investigations.

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What you can do about over packaging here

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